INITIAL SITUATION: Lifting and handling heavy loads in the middle of a quarry pond. Not an easy task when you only have floating surface under your feet. One of our customers uses a floating pontoon platform that is composed of modular pontoon combi cubes and can be adapted to the task at hand at any time by using individual elements. Therefore, the size of the platform can change.
SOLUTION: This makes it more important to have an inherently stable and sturdy crane system that can adapt just as flexibly to the available space and can therefore be used functionally and safely at virtually any location. Perfect conditions for a SCHILLING gantry crane system. Quick and easy to transport and can be assembled with just a few simple steps. This is a major advantage.
RESULT: The result is the creation of a perfect working environment on the Floating pump station. The SCHILLING gantry crane provides invaluable services, especially when handling the heavy pump components that need to be moved when relocating the site. The handling becomes effortless and straightforward, significantly enhancing work safety on the unstable surface.