Fast construction gantry crane / lightweight crane

Fast construction gantry crane / lightweight crane



Easy to transport and quick to assemble, these are the great advantages of our quick-assembly gantry cranes. Thanks to high-quality aluminium and ingenious technology, we have managed this balancing act very well with our gantry cranes. The high load capacity and robust aluminium profile construction always offer comprehensive safety. In addition, the crane systems are quick to assemble and easy to transport thanks to the lightweight aluminium construction.

Our quick-assembly cranes are available as stationary gantry cranes and as mobile aluminium gantry cranes, with folding side frames. Depending on requirements, mobile gantry cranes can be a quick solution for lifting and moving loads. Thanks to the wheels with polyurethane lining, the mobile portal cranes can be moved easily and conveniently and are therefore always available where they are needed in the shortest possible time. The wheels are secured by head brakes at the place of use. The lightweight crane systems can be completed with pulleys and/or electric chain hoists.

An overview of the advantages of aluminium quick-assembly gantry cranes:

  • Load capacity of our quick-assembly gantry cranes up to 3,000 kg
  • Low weight thanks to lightweight aluminium construction
  • Simple construction via plug connections - modular design
  • Flexible adjustment at the point of use by height-adjustable carriers and stepless trolley
  • You can find numerous examples of quick-assembly gantry cranes under Custom-Made Equipment.

Whether the flexible small mobile crane for the craftsman (workshop crane) is required or the large gantry crane for industrial use, the individual customer solution often lies in the adapted detail of our quick-assembly gantry cranes. As a crane manufacturer from Germany, SCHILLING stands for flexible lifting of heavy loads.

You can find technical details on our products in the product selection area or simply contact us directly if you have any further questions. Consulting competence, know-how, product quality, product safety, individual production and fair prices are our strengths.

We would be happy to advise you personally. SCHILLING Kran- und Hebetechnik, your partner for aluminium crane technology and lifting technology.

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