Improvement to our Packing and Transportation Box
At the beginning of this year we have made further improvements to our <link _self internal-link and transportation>Packing and Transportation Boxes.
This very practical accessory for storage and transport of our Aluminium Gantry Cranes is at a length of 4.200 mm (article-nr. 9870420068100) now always fitted with fork lift shoes on the underside. This allows the user an even more comfortable movement of the lifted box.
There are three different possibilities to move the Packing and Transportation Box to the required work area:
- In addition to moving the box with the integrated wheels, the Box, including packaged crane and <link _self internal-link accessories>accessories (eg. chain hoist, wheel kit, wall bracket etc.), can be moved with the help of a fork lift.
- The fork lift shoes are for insertion of the forks of the fork lifter. In situations where the load distribution of the box contents is not even, this is very practical.
- Further, the Packing and Transportation Box can be lifted with a hand pallet truck onto eg. a truck.
Our Packing and Transportation Boxes are available in three sizes.
Just let us know which Aluminium Gantry Crane including accessories you require.
We can then inform you which Packing and Transportation Box is required.
The Boxes are similar to illustration