Custom-made Aluminium Gantry Crane
In addition to our standard Aluminium Gantry Cranes, we accept the challenge on a daily basis to realize individual and customer specific solutions. Recently we have received pictures from one of these custom solutions in action, which we would like to share to you.
The Aluminium Crane is being utilized in an archeological excavation in Gordion (Turkey – approx. 90 km south west from Ankara). The Crane is helping in the restauration of the historical walls.
The Aluminium Gantry Crane has been constructed as a movable under load versions and has a load capacity of 1500 kg. Due to the extreme length of the beam required, double beams have been utilized.
The product has been manufactured with <link _self internal-link pluggable>separable/pluggable beams otherwise the transport of the 8,000 mm Crane components would have been problematic.
The Crane can be assembled at its lowest height. It can then be raised to its working height with the aid of the <link _self internal-link>Hand winches for height adjustment.
Through the use of the <link _self internal-link trolley direction>manual trolley direction band, the user can stand outside the working area and still maneuver the trolley along the length of the beams. This provides additional safety, and eases the work of the user.
Despite its enormous dimensions, the crane is easy to handle. The work of the excavation team in Gordion has consequently been made considerably easier.