Since the summer of 1949, the popular children's and homeland festival has been held in Friedrichshafen every year in July. After the war years the Seehasenfest was supposed to bring some joy to the children. Even then, for example, there was a children's parade with over 4000 school children and an amusement park. On Saturday afternoons, the Seehas are caught by ship and then the Hasenklee, a bag of games and sweets, is distributed to the first-graders from Friedrichshafen.
The Seehasenfest with its extensive event program (drumming, crossbow shooting, catching the Seehas, Seehasen theatre, procession, fisherman's stabbing, fireworks, etc.) takes place this year from Thursday 11 July to Monday 15 July.
Further information to the Seehasen festival calendar you find here: <link https: programm seehasenfestkalender _blank external-link-new-window>
For this reason, we closed our company on Monday lunchtime.