Translation of our website and catalogue in many languages
In our continued drive toward furthering our international presence, we have translated our website and product catalogue in many languages over the last weeks and months.
As a result we can now service almost all European countries.
You can now more comfortably inform yourself about our products such as <link _self internal-link aluminium-gantry-cranes>Aluminium Gantry Cranes and <link _self internal-link aluminium-tripod-crane>Aluminium Tripods. Additionally, data and information regarding the various <link _self internal-link aluminium-fork-mounted-hook>Lifting Beams, <link _self internal-link aluminium-multilift>Aluminium Multilifts as well as <link _self internal-link aluminium-slewing-crane>Slewing Cranes can be found in your required language.
Our home page and product catalogue has until now has been available in
- German
- English
and is now also available in the following languages
- Danish
- Finnish
- French
- Greek
- Dutch
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Czech
- Turkish
- Hungarian
- Romanian
Through this investment we see a large potential to service new markets.
We are sure that you will find in our comprehensive product range the right products to assist you in the lifting, lowering and movement of various loads.
The team at Schilling Gerätebau look forward to being able to assist you with your questions, wishes and suggestions.