Portable Aluminium Gantry Crane with Lateral Extension Beam
We are very pleased to once again be able to share with you a photo forwarded to us of one of our Cranes in action.
Shown is an Aluminium Gantry Crane which was customized to fit the exact specification of our client, specifically designed for the tight operating environment in which the Crane was required.
The Portable Aluminium Gantry Crane is fitted on one side with a Standard Lateral Stand (left) which is placed on the very edge of the walkway.
On the other side (right) is a <link _self internal-link extension>Lateral Extension Beam, which is assembled next to, as well as over, the object.
Due to the minimal working space which also extends onto the walkway, the Crane has been fitted with a shortened Aluminium Beam. With this Portable Aluminium Gantry Crane, the restrictions of the work space were overcome so that the user could effortlessly move the object and place it on the walkway.
For other applications, the Crane can also be used with a longer Aluminium Beam. The user then has a standard version of the <link _self internal-link gantry>Aluminium Gantry Crane at their disposal.